
Mercredi - 17h10 - 17h50 5:10 pm - 5:50 pm

How can we introduce children to coding, robotics and AI?


Coding & Robotics Trainer @EURATECHNOLOGIES

Mathieu is a creative and handy person since his childhood. Back then, he likes to move around and does not really fancy school. Curious and attracted by different educational models, he starts to supervise children from 17 years old.
After high school in 1998, he applies to a specific program “Emplois Jeunes” created by Martine AUBRY, Mayor of Lille. He begins overseeing multimedia workshops in Amiens -Metropole. He is as well an accomplished self-made man, since he trained himself to a wide range of computing sciences in parallel.
In 2005, he arrives in Lille, and starts working for X2000, a non-profit organization dedicated to give access to computer sciences for all. While working there, he manages the first cyber area in Lille Bois Blancs. From 2007 he leads workshops in different cyber areas of Lille including EuraTechnologies.
At the end of 2016, EuraTechnologies decides to internalize his cyber area’s animation and recruits Mathieu who then join EuraTechnologie’s team.
Always passionate by the education, pedagogy, news technologies and willing to share his knowledge, Mathieu is now animator and trainer at the Learning District in EuraTechnologies. He offers coding and robotic workshops for children, coding initiation for young adults and data processing initiation for the elderly citizens.