At Web2day, there are talks and round-tables as well as workshops. They offer you the opportunity to work in smaller groups to reflect on concrete examples with our speakers in a slightly more intimate setting. This year, we are offering three different workshops:
How to build Alexa Skills that your customers will love
Wednesday, 5 June from 10:30 to 12:30 – Salle Atlanbois
Workshop presented by Amazon
Voice experiences have transformed the way clients interact with the world around them. Come and discover the different concepts involved in creating a unique vocal experience and implementing an engaging vocal strategy, with Benoît Nachawati, Technical Evangelist at Amazon Alexa. In this workshop, we will discuss the latest features of the Alexa Skill Kit, their benefits, and how you can use them to design your Skill. At the end of this workshop, words like Dialogue, Persistence and Context will no longer hold any secrets for you!
? Don’t forget to bring your computer as the different points covered will be illustrated by practical use cases.
Register now, places are limited ? Amazon Workshop
Manage your intellectual property and turn your projects into successes
Thursday, 6 June from 9:00 to 11:00 – Salle Atlanbois
Workshop presented by INPI
From the initial idea to the successful project, there are many steps and precautions to take. Intellectual property is a valuable tool in the service of your strategy and INPI is your dedicated contact on these issues: are ideas protectable? From the concept to the realisation…how do you communicate? What are the most appropriate means?
This interactive workshop will introduce you to the essentials you need to remember in order to distinguish between patent, design and brand protection and it places a particular focus on a few of the keys to choosing and protecting your commercial identity through a brand.
Intellectual Property Lawyer Fabrice Vié, has decided to open the door to the Maison des Innovateurs to you.
Register early, places are limited ? INPI Workshop.
Thursday, 6 June from 11:00 to 12:30 – Salle Atlanbois
Workshop hosted by France Digitale
More information to come…
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